Mountaineering Lecture present:

"live at the crucible"

the first British ascent of Low's Gully Wall, Borneo

sponsored by:

in association with the University of London Mountaineering Club

In April this year Jerry Gore, Twid Turner, Steve Long and Louise Thomas made climbing and Internet history by recording live transmission on the "The Crucible" (800m. A3+, E4) on Mt. Kinabalu (4095m), Borneo.

Witness a series of world first's including a multi camera broadcast onto the web using "LiveTX" helmet cams in this multi-media visual spectacular from Jerry Gore and Steve Long, involving sound, video, digital and slide photography.

Tickets: £5.00, Students: £2.50


Jerry Gore (
T: 01453 833313
E: [email protected]

When and Where: Wednesday 1st November 2000, 7pm, Cruciform Building Lecture Theatre 1, UCL, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT.

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